Monday, February 11, 2019

Logline Notes 2/11/19

  • "Swashbuckling" adventure
  • D'art as a destitute inventor
  • More irony/contrasting language
  • Streamlining ideas
  • Play up Dart's youth against mature Mechateers
  • Find contrast and play up elements of elite Mech fighters and young mechanic
  • Why is he dreaming of becoming mechanic for royal family? 
  • Gameplay logline= a little bit ambiguous
  • Relate game to another popular title
  • Establish relationship between what you are doing and what's been done, and emphasize the differences in your idea
  • "Disgraced" Father should become significant to story
  • Make every single line mean something
  • Think about economy of language
  • Logline goal: Hold people's attention throughout the duration of your logline
  • Be specific in gameplay loglines to test ideas

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