Monday, January 28, 2019

Pitch Updates Monday 1/28


  • Main objective is to overcome obstacles by switching in and out of mechs
  • Players may help each other but gameplay is not slowed down
  • Set in a past baroque France (this makes the mechs strange and unique to the society)
  • Action/Exploration playstyle: this seems like the best gameplay to fit the story and objectives
  • Comically large weapons
  • Mechs and on the ground players have powers and weaknesses (stronger but slower and bulkier vs. smaller and quicker)
  • Son of an alchemist scientist
  • Swashbuckling adventure with Dart
  • Gameplay is seperated into 2 parts (1. finding things without mech and 2. in mechs only for duels)
  • Mech mode: action/strategy style
  • Human mode: rolling action
  • Forging mode: customizing growth
  • Each action adds heat to the mech so you would have to be careful to use your actions wisely before being ejected for the mech
  • "If France had conquered the world during the 17th century, the world in the future would look Baroque/French flair"
  • Different colors of gems have different "eliteness"
  • Navigational gameplay, goal is clear.  Group has ability to wander and gather gems
  • After each area's puzzle, you must confront the "boss" of the area if you are to advance
  • Each member has their own strengths
    • Dart- Quick and nimble
    • Athos-Wise man, no speed
    • Aramis- Spiritual woman, weak defense
    • Porthos- *Good looks*, enemy is drawn to him
  • Alternate timeline
  • Not so much steampunk, but more Jake Parker style
  • Contrast
  • Original Star Wars has charm because of the clunkiness of the technology
  • Avoid the age of information
  • What if we took these ideas and overlayed them on the 80's?
  • Modern is fine, we don't want to push this back in time.  Alternative timeline
  • No touch screens, no internet
  • If a character jumps out of their mech, they are essentially powering down, but doing so gives them a better ability to duel
  • Mechs deal with crowd control
  • There is still some exploration to do with the roles of the 3 mechateers
  • Dart is a teenager
  • Make pitches with art
  • Should Dart be female?
  • A note on the pitches: we need more gameplay interaction
  • Switch is primary console
  • Gems power up the mechs (they add power to what the mechs already do as a opposed to being the sole power source of the mechs)
  • Gems need to take a backseat on being the "one strange thing" in the world.  They are less important than the mechs.
  • When you design things, think about what role they fulfill in this world

Mech Explorations

Jack Bohm - Monday Sketches

Shawn liu

Michelle cole D'art

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Notes on Gems and Mech vs Man

Mechanics of Gems and Mechs:
-Tech vs fantasy. Will it work?
-Witches and wizards are mad scientists - works to combine tech and magic
-Steven Universe has magic gems used as alternative science
-Alchemy with gems
-Gem alone not powerful - needs magic/potions to produce power
-Different types of gems, merging gems to combine powers
-Gems are an additional power, mechs still work without it
-Powered attacks, charge up sword
-Light-based gems, activating them generates heat and light as sole source
-high-tech super heating element (light sent through circuits)
-Gems are equal part decoration and power source
-Social status quality to gems
-Abundance of gems, how rare?
-Fakes? (Trick power ups)
-Only certain players can pick up certain gems
-Perhaps D’Artagnan can pick up any gems
-Certain gems will give upper hand over another
-Swapping gems to not fill inventory
-Mining and harvesting gems - common vs rare/pure vs impure
-Currency of world, accessible to everyone
-Gem like coal
-Out of mech - steal other’s gems and sabotage mechs for your own
-Musket as gem destroyer
-Don’t have to follow usual rules, muskets could suck gems
-Earn double gems/money while dueling as men

-Make awesomeness of person equal to mech


Brielan Blamires Costume/Armor Idea

Mechateers Kickoff Ideas


The Thunder unicornnna

Final Animatic and Cardinal Sheet

Final Animatic: